Setting Up Direct Debit For License Renewals

– Direct Debit can only be setup via fund transfer payments only (Invoice) not via Credit Card.
Instructions for once invoiced below:

– Once set up, all invoices created for that account (Renewals and manual invoices) will automatically be paid via direct debit

To set up Direct Debit, please follow the Instructions on the Modeus Invoice email.

Modeus account tool


1. Click on the Link in the email which will take you to the copy of the Invoice.

2. Click the PAY NOW button and follow the prompts to set up Direct Debit

Modeus account tool - Pay now button

3. Enter contact and banking details


After the form above is submitted, you should receive an email confirmation as follows.

Note: this email may note be received instantly.

Modeus account tool - Direct Debit


Note: there is a PDF attachment also with the “mandate”.

Future Direct Debit Notifications

You will also receive advanced notice of any pending direct debits, example email below:

Modeus account tool - Invoice


If you have any accounts related queries questions or need any assistance setting up direct debit. Please contact Modeus support.

+61 (03) 9867 2785.