PennyLane POS Integration
DD-Book now integrates with PennyLane POS from Simple Retail.
Methsof exhibited at AVA2016 in Adelaide. This year’s AVA conference and exhibition was a great success and enjoyed by many, both delegates and exhibitors alike.
Methsof is excited to announce that DD-Book now integrates with Minfos POS.
NSW Health has approved Meth.D.A for use in community pharmacies as an alternative to the current, paper-based register, to properly account for their Schedule 8 drugs utilised in the NSW Opioid Treatment Program.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, through Gold Cross Products and Services, has announced endorsement of Methsof which develops a number of products that assist pharmacists with efficiencies and compliance.
VET S8 is a new electronic drug register developed by Methsof specifically designed for use by vets. Vet Practice Magazine has published an online article about Vet S8.
Robert Sztar has released a podcast featuring an interview with James Gold from Methsof. Click HERE to listen to the podcast.
Methsof is excited to announce that DD-Book now integrates with Mountaintop Dispense dispense from Mountaintop Systems.
Methsof is excited to announce that DD-Book now integrates with AWD SUREfire Dispensing dispense from Corum Health Services.
Methsof is excited to announce that DD-Book now integrates with Z Dispense from Z Software.