DDBook and DDBook Cloud are electronic controlled drug logbook that replace and improve the paper based recording of controlled (S8) drugs for pharmacists

Never have to worry about backing up DDBook Cloud
Unlimited Workstations
DDBook Cloud can be used on multiple workstations at no extra cost
Easy to use
Takes the average pharmacist less than 15 minutes to learn
Integrates with all popular dispense software (additional fees may apply)
Helps to reduce errors and maintain accurate records
There is no longer any need to step away from your computer and manually enter data
Cost effective
Price includes software, support and continuous updates
Improved legibility
No more dealing with illegible handwriting or 'cross-outs'
Customised reporting
Report by patient, drug, time period, and more
Reduce hassle
Ease the friction associated with time consuming stock checks & reconciliations
DD Book is fast and easy to use.
The reporting functions are also fantastic – in a matter of seconds I can look up anything in my DD history, which is a vast improvement on the old paper system.
Stock checks are also much easier and quicker. A great program.
DD Book has been a great time saver for my pharmacy, especially with Minfos integration. I’d recommend it to anyone.
It has made recording so much easier – can receive big monthly order in less than 5 minutes as everything is drop down list rather than trying to flip back and forth in the register, all patient details are drawn across from Minfos via integration, so dispensing is a matter of confirming the product balance in the safe and entering a password.
Monthly stock check is also easy as you can just print one report and reconcile your balance. No more tearing your hair out trying to find the imbalance with Endone because someone forgot to record it!!!
Can’t say enough good stuff about it!!!
What is the difference between a Primary and Secondary workstation?
If you want to install DDBook on multiple computers (in the same premises), then you will need one "Primary" licence for the first computer, and then one "Secondary" licence for each additional computer.
What is the difference between a 'standard' and 'premium' database?
For most customers, the "Standard" database is usually appropriate. The rule-of-thumb is the "Standard" database should be adequate if your pharmacy averages less than 50 DD entries per day.
However if your pharmacy averages more than 50 DD entries per day, then you should consider the "Premium" database. If you are not sure, then we are always available to help you determine the best solution for your pharmacy.
Are there any extra costs associated with integrating DDBook with my Dispense software?
For sales enquiries call us on +1 (929) 470-2534