Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers

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DDBook Cloud FAQ’s 

What are the advantages of DDBook Cloud over the previous version?

The DDBook Cloud has the same features as the previous version - but with improved functionality.


  • available on unlimited PC’s at your pharmacy
  • your data is always safe
  • cannabis products are updated daily
What happens if the internet goes down?

Don't panic, when the internet comes back up, your entries from your Dispense software will be waiting for you to approve

Is the data backed up?

Yes, you can rest assured your data is safe and backed up should you need to access it. 

We’re changing dispense software, how do we change our DDBook integration?
Contact the Modeus Support Team to lodge a ticket to change your integration. We need to know the date you are changing, and which system you are changing to. We ask for two business days’ notice where possible.
We’ve changed ownership of the pharmacy, what do I need to do?
Log into the Modeus account and update all contact information that has changed. If you don’t know what your Modeus account is, please contact us and we can assist.
We have multiple drug safes in the pharmacy, do we just use one DDBook?
You can have multiple registers in your DDBook Cloud to better manage your multiple drug safes. This is recommended for cannabis consignment and aged care pharmacies.

MethDA FAQ’s 

Can I claim ODT administrations through MethDA instead of going to the PPA Portal?

Yes, it is easier and faster to claim through MethDA, with the PPA integration.

Is there a PPA Integration for claiming Stage Supply reimbursement?

While there is no direct integration for claiming Staged Supply (no application has an integration for Staged Supply), there is a fantastic report we’ve created that provides all the relevant information. Simply export and copy and paste into the PPA claiming portal.

Does MethDA link with my Dispense?
The desktop version does not link however the new cloud version is fully integrated.
Does MethDA have facial recognition?
Yes, MethDA has facial recognition for easier identification of patients. This is useful for clinics with high turnover of staff or patients. 
Does MethDA integrate with methadone pumps?
Yes, we do integrate with mechanical pumps. Get in touch to find out further information.
Does MethDA have dual sign off for dispensing doses or receiving stock?

Yes, you can activate dual sign off for all register entries.

Is MethDA available on all my dispensing computers?
Yes, MethDA desktop can be installed on all computers in your pharmacy, request installation from our Support team. MethDA Cloud is available on all internet-enabled devices
Does MethDA integrate with POS systems?
Yes, MethDA Desktop integrates with Fred Office and Z Pos for receipt of all ODT Medication. MethDA Cloud will be integrated with all major POS systems
Does MethDA manage complex dosing regimes?
Yes, MethDA can manage all complex dosing regimes including split dosing, regular reductions, regular increases, varied daily dosing, and non-dosing days when patients are away.

General Account FAQ’s 

We’ve changed ownership of the pharmacy, what do I need to do?

Log into the Modeus account and update all contact information that has changed. Please also log into MethDA and update your PPA integration (you’ll need your PPA API user ID and key) and please update your Pharmacy Details section, if the Approval number has changed, this will need updating in MethDA.

We own multiple pharmacies, is there a way to receive all invoices at once?

Yes, we have Enterprise licences that make managing multiple pharmacies very easy and efficient. You can set a common renewal, or receive all renewals in one invoice, or even set auto-renewing so you don’t need to approve the renewal every year.

We have an enterprise licence, and we’ve just purchased a new pharmacy, is there a way to add that new site to our licence?
Yes, you can navigate to the Enterprise Sites section under My Account and add a new site. 

Modalytics FAQ’s 

Is Modalytics just for big groups?

No, Modalytics is for anyone who owns multiple pharmacies/clinics that needs to stay on top of governance for all locations and what’s an easy, efficient, real-time way to track data.

Vet S8 FAQ’s 

Do my vets need to sign off daily on Vet S8 - same as the paper book?
Yes, all records must be signed off at the end of the day. Vet S8 has a multi sign off function to help with this.
Can Vet S8 record/keep track of the balances of separate safes within the one clinic?
Yes, Vet S8 has multi safe functionality which allows each safe to have its own balance as well as internal transfer between safes, such as clinic safe to vehicle safe.
Can Vet S8 handle injection hub wastage?
Yes, there is the ability to add wastage into the record when administering.

HS8 FAQ’s 

Can I use HS8 anywhere in my hospital?
Yes, HS8 is available across pharmacy, wards, and theatres or anywhere else controlled medications are stored or dispensed. 
Can HS8 be used without internet connection?

Yes, however network connectivity between client and server is required otherwise the application will not run.

Can HS8 run on tablet devices?

Any tablet device running Windows 10 or higher however, for best user experience, a PC or laptop equipped with a keyboard and mouse is recommended. Screens with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 are also recommended.

Can HS8 be published through Citrix?
Yes, HS8 can be published through Citrix or equivalent platforms.
What type of data is stored in HS8?
  • Controlled drug transaction data (e.g. Usage, transfer)
  • Patient data (e.g. Name, address, DOB)
  • Patient medication usage (e.g. 2mg Endone)
Can HS8 run on MacOS?
No, however you can use virtualisation tools like Parallels desktop and set up a Windows Environment to run HS8.
Is HS8 compatible with Windows 10?
Yes, HS8 works on Windows 10 (or better)

Ware S8 FAQ’s 

If I have multiple safes/vaults in my warehouse, can Ware S8 keep the stock balances separate for each safe?
Yes, Ware S8 has the ability to upgrade your license to include additional safes.
Can Ware S8 record batch numbers?
Yes, when you are receiving your stock, you can allocate batch numbers
Does Ware S8 integrate with any other products?

Yes, Ware S8 provides an API that facilitates smooth integration with internal systems, such as DDBook Cloud, thereby simplifying and enhancing the accuracy of stock transfers and receipts.

Mine 8 FAQ’s 

Can we use multiple drug safes in Mine8?

Yes, you can set up different registers and locations to dispense from and transfer to.

Is there oversight on the movement of medicines around site?
Yes, you are able to track movement of medicines between safes, vehicles and medic bags.
Can I track more medicines rather than just S8's?
Yes, you can track all medical inventory from medical bag inventory items such as bandages through to S8s.
Can I have different permissions based on roles?
Yes, user permissions can be customised based on location, job role, or other requirements.
Can I get email alerts?
Yes, email alerts can be set up to give you complete oversight over all medication movement.

DiamondCare FAQ’s 

Is it easy to add in locum nurses?
Yes, adding a new user is quick and easy in DiamondCare. Role specific access is an effective way of managing user access, as well as email alerts for better governance.
Can DiamondCare handle imprest stock?

Yes, DiamondCare can be set up to accommodate as many imprest registers as you have, with customised naming available. You can easily dispense from imprest stock when required.

Does DiamondCare integrate with any pharmacy software?
Yes, it integrates with DDBook Cloud so your pharmacy can send the controlled drug orders through automatically.
What is the pricing structure?

We charge for the number of beds in the aged care facility plus a one off implementation fee. 

Medic8 FAQ’s 

Can we easily transfer medication between vehicles and the main drug register?

Yes, it is quick and easy for teams to refill vehicle supplies at the start of their shift, and simple to return unused medications at the end of their shift. Greater efficiency and transparency of medication movement.

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